Serpent de mer: April 2008

Weird Thing Happen In Boring Blogging

I'd been blogging for a period of time. It's hard and long trem boring.There are nothing new,because every one done the same thing. Just to earn a "click" that came from nowhere. Even better a "commont" from someone who never met. That's my own pure innocent purpose in blogging.


Open my MyBlogLog's guest book, there are hundreds different kinds of blogs came out infront of my eyes. Each unique blog just like a vivid flesh telling their own living stories. Now I just step in my 2nd stage of blogging...

1st:Nock The Door

Choose your faver tag than go get a contact mark,and leave it along. We will take care lately.

achievement:contact over 600 blogs, join community near 500 (it takes me 2 months)

2nd: Entrance & Talk

You should keep going the 1st job. Now take more time in communities. Read the articals patiently. Find out what blogger want to say, seeks the dialogue space.

3rd: Have A Cup Of Coffee

I got nothing to talk about it. Though every one had their own goal.


Above is my 1-2-3 blogging work step. Others may not done the same obviously. I found a weird thing lately:


The MyBlogLog user know about that " member buzz", red frame show the member's prim blog; blue frame is a flickr type blog.Let's check it out.


red frame display:Members 26--mmm there got 26 members,let us see what community they join in.


What the he?? ?

Does it work? Just left us a GMail Links? And NOTHING !

Check it out the blue one :


There still has works published. But the members 0 NONE ZERO!!

Hell loud,I'm so confusion!??

Beatles Beetles

Even you like The Beatles or not,they were the 21th century's greatest band undoubtedly.Though years passed by, they brought fans so many joyes and exicting. Also they coused a lot of sorrows and despair on all loved fancy. Anyway as a Beatles's fan, I'm willing to hear some news from them in this century. The next just joke & memory.


Yoko in Ring

Beetle on Beetle


The graphics are come from b3ta site

Yoko's lins is searched by wiki japan kind of my Yoko joke:)

True link is  Yoko Ono

Cute Cube Your Blog

There are some funny cute staff that you can use in blog.


This is came from Japan website. And it so easy to used even you didn't know a single Japanese word.

Uptoday there got 6 3D flash models :


img_cubox_3-thumb img_cubox_4-thumb img_cubox_5-thumb img_cubox_6-thumb img_cubox_7-thumb

Fiest every kind of model has two programs A & B. You can only choose one program A to copy in your blog's templet,and rest take B programs. Combined the different models you can create a unique story in your blog. And it is a 3D flash animation! The cute role design will make your blog shiny,push away boring & let your reader fixed eyes on your site.

There is a sample I made the order is (A4-B3-B1) You can try and put on your sidebar.Want some go get some.

Funny Title In My Blogroll

There usually happen in my RandySpace site's blogroll. A coincident maybe. As I put over 50 my friends blog RSS in my blogroll,randomly show the newest artical on it. And sometime the titles links to be a funny sentece. Like this:


"Kentucky Girls Love Dick"--"(88)幸福指數"[Happiness index 88]

"Lots Of Money But Always Broke"--"This Could Only Happen In New York"

Boring blogging life had some fun by myself.:)